# Demote team membership

# Definition

Update the plan of a given team to free and disable projects that are no longer included in the plan.

class DemoteTeamMembership
    use AsAction;

    public string $commandSignature = 'teams:demote {team_id}';
    public string $commandDescription = 'Demote the team with the given id.';

    public function handle(Team $team): void
        $team->update(['plan' => 'free' ]);
        $numberOfProjectsAllowed = config('app.plans.free.number_of_projects');

        if ($team->projects()->count() <= $numberOfProjectsAllowed) {

            ->update(['disabled_at' => now()]);

    public function asListener(PaymentFailed $event): void

    public function asCommand(Command $command): void
        $team = Team::findOrFail($command->argument('team_id'));


# Using as an object


# Registering as a listener

To make your action listen to a particular event, simply add it to your EventServiceProvider.

namespace App\Providers;

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        PaymentFailed::class => [

    // ...

# Using as a command

It could be useful to register the action as command should we need to manually demote a team. To do that we need to register our command in the console Kernel.

namespace App\Console;

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
    protected $commands = [
    // ...

Now we can demote a team of id 42 like this:

php artisan teams:demote 42