# Mock and test your actions

One of the advantages of using Laravel Actions is that it ensures your actions are resolved from the container — even when executing them as simple objects. This means, we can easily leverage this to swap their implementation with a mock or a spy to make testing easier.

# Mocking

To replace an action with a mock in your test, simply use the mock static method like so:


This will return a MockInterface and thus you can chain your mock expectations as you're used to.

    ->andReturn(['Loris', 'Will', 'Barney']);

Since you'll likely be mocking the handle method the most, you may also use the helper method shouldRun to make it easier to read. The code below is equivalent to the previous example.

    ->andReturn(['Loris', 'Will', 'Barney']);

You may also use the helper method shouldNotRun to add the opposite expectation.


// Equivalent to:

# Partial mocking

If you only want to mock the methods that have expectations, you may use the partialMock method instead. In the example below, only the fetch method will be mocked.

    ->andReturn(['Loris', 'Will', 'Barney']);

# Spying

If you prefer running first and asserting after, you may use a spy instead of a mock by using the spy method.

$spy = FetchContactsFromGoogle::spy();
$spy->allows('handle')->andReturn(['Loris', 'Will', 'Barney']);

// ...


You may also use the helper method allowToRun to make it slightly more readable. The code below is equivalent to the previous example.

    ->andReturn(['Loris', 'Will', 'Barney']);

// ...


# Handling fake instances

When using mock, partialMock or spy on an action, it will generate a new MockInterface once and then keep on using the same fake instance.

This means, no matter how many times you call the mock method, it will always reference the same MockInterface, allowing to keep adding expectations in your tests.

Laravel Actions provides two additional methods to help your handle fake instances.

The first one is a simple isFake method telling you if the action is currently being mocked or not.

FetchContactsFromGoogle::isFake(); // false
FetchContactsFromGoogle::isFake(); // true

The second one, clearFake, allows you to dattach the MockInterface from the action so it can go back to its real implementation.

FetchContactsFromGoogle::isFake(); // true
FetchContactsFromGoogle::isFake(); // false

And that's all there is to it. Congratulations, you've now finished the main part of this guide! 🎉

The next two pages are optional and slightly more advanced. The first one explains how to use more granular traits than AsAction and the second one dig a bit deeper into how Laravel Actions works under the hood.