# With attributes

# Methods provided

Lists all methods provided by the trait.

# setRawAttributes

Replaces all attributes with the provided attributes.

    'key' => 'value',

# fill

Merges the provided attributes with the existing attributes.

    'key' => 'value',

# fillFromRequest

Merges the request data and its route parameters with the existing attributes. If an attribute is present in both the request data and as a route parameter, the request data takes priority.


# all

Retrieves all attributes.


# only

Retrieves all attributes such that their key is included in the arguments.

$action->only('title', 'body');

# except

Retrieves all attributes except those whose key is included in the arguments.


# has

Returns true if and only if there is an existing attribute with the provided key.


# get

Retrieves the value of an attribute by passing its key as the first argument. An optional second argument can be passed to provide a default value should the attribute not exist on the action.

$action->get('title', 'Untitled');

# set

Set the value of an attribute by providing a key and its value.

$action->set('title', 'My blog post');

# __get

Makes attributes accessible as properties by using the magic method __get.


# __set

Allows attributes to be updated like properties by using the magic method __set.

$action->title = 'My blog post';

# __isset

Allows attributes' existence to be checked like properties by using the magic method __isset.


# validateAttributes

Triggers the authorization and validation process on the action using its attributes and returns the validated data. See the guide for more information.

$validatedData = $action->validateAttributes();

# Methods used

Lists all methods recognised and used by the AttributeValidator.

The WithAttributes trait uses the same authorization and validation methods used by the AsController trait: